Boid Flocking Animation Settings


Boids Flocking Animation

The Boids Flocking Animation is a simulation of the behavior of birds or other animals that flock together. It demonstrates the concept of flocking, where individual entities (boids) move and interact with each other to achieve a cohesive and coordinated behavior. The animation is created using the HTML5 canvas element and JavaScript. It simulates the movement and interactions of boids based on their separation, alignment, and cohesion properties.

The animation allows you to control the number of boids, as well as the parameters that affect their behavior, such as separation, alignment, and cohesion. You can adjust these settings to observe how they influence the flocking behavior of the boids.

To reset the animation with the default settings, click the "Reset" button.


Note: The Boids Flocking Animation is inspired by the work of Craig Reynolds and his original Boids simulation developed in 1986. For more information, you can refer to the original paper: Flocks, Herds, and Schools: A Distributed Behavioral Model.