ECG Waveform Game is an interactive challenge that tests your ability to identify abnormal electrocardiogram (ECG) patterns. In this game, you'll be presented with a continuous scrolling display of ECG waveforms on a canvas. Your task is to carefully observe the scrolling ECG patterns and quickly identify abnormal segments. Abnormal segments can include variations in the QRS complex, missing P waves, absent S waves, or no T waves. Normal segments will also be present. To tag an abnormal segment, click on it when it aligns with the cursor. However, be cautious not to click on normal segments, as this will result in a score deduction. Your score increases when you accurately tag an abnormal segment, but decreases when you mistakenly tag a normal segment. As you accumulate points, the speed of the scrolling waveforms will adjust, making the game progressively more challenging. Keep an eye on the 'Score' display to track your progress and aim for the highest score possible!
For a more advanced version of the game, check out CardioBot!
// this is waveforms.js
const tValues = new Array(800).fill(0).map((_, index) => (index / 800) * 5 * Math.PI);
const mu = 2 * Math.PI;
const sigma = 0.2;
const amplitude = 3;
function gaussian(x, mu, sigma) {
return Math.exp(-((x - mu) ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2));
function refinedRWave(t, mu, sigma, amplitude) {
return amplitude * gaussian(t, mu, sigma);
function generateFullWaveform(t, qrsVariationFunction = null) {
const pWave = (0 <= t && t < Math.PI) ? Math.sin(t) ** 2 : 0;
const qrs = (qrsVariationFunction === null) ? refinedRWave(t, mu, sigma, amplitude) : qrsVariationFunction(t);
const sWave = (2.5 * Math.PI <= t && t < 3 * Math.PI) ? -0.5 * Math.sin(t - 2.5 * Math.PI) ** 3 : 0;
const tWave = (3 * Math.PI <= t && t < 4 * Math.PI) ? 0.5 * Math.sin(t - 3 * Math.PI) ** 2 : 0;
return 300 - (pWave + qrs + sWave + tWave) * -100;
// Variations
function qrsVariation1(t) {
const pWave = (0 <= t && t < Math.PI) ? Math.sin(t) ** 2 : 0;
const qrs = refinedRWave(t, mu, 4*sigma, 0.5*amplitude);
const sWave = (2.5 * Math.PI <= t && t < 3 * Math.PI) ? -0.5 * Math.sin(t - 2.5 * Math.PI) ** 3 : 0;
const tWave = (3 * Math.PI <= t && t < 4 * Math.PI) ? 0.5 * Math.sin(t - 3 * Math.PI) ** 2 : 0;
return 300 - (pWave + qrs + sWave + tWave) * -100;
function qrsVariation2(t) {
const pWave = (0 <= t && t < Math.PI) ? Math.sin(t) ** 2 : 0;
const qrs = refinedRWave(t, 1.3 * mu, sigma, 0.8*amplitude); // Different QRS complex
const sWave = (2.5 * Math.PI <= t && t < 3 * Math.PI) ? -0.5 * Math.sin(t - 2.5 * Math.PI) ** 3 : 0;
const tWave = (3 * Math.PI <= t && t < 4 * Math.PI) ? 0.5 * Math.sin(t - 3 * Math.PI) ** 2 : 0;
return 300 - (pWave + qrs + sWave + tWave) * -100;
function noPWave(t) {
const pWave = 0;
const qrs = refinedRWave(t, mu, sigma, amplitude);
const sWave = (2.5 * Math.PI <= t && t < 3 * Math.PI) ? -0.5 * Math.sin(t - 2.5 * Math.PI) ** 3 : 0;
const tWave = (3 * Math.PI <= t && t < 4 * Math.PI) ? 0.5 * Math.sin(t - 3 * Math.PI) ** 2 : 0;
return 300 - (pWave + qrs + sWave + tWave) * -100;
function noSWave(t) {
const pWave = (0 <= t && t < Math.PI) ? Math.sin(t) ** 2 : 0;
const qrs = refinedRWave(t, mu, sigma, amplitude);
const sWave = 0; // No S wave
const tWave = (3 * Math.PI <= t && t < 4 * Math.PI) ? 0.5 * Math.sin(t - 3 * Math.PI) ** 2 : 0;
return 300 - (pWave + qrs + sWave + tWave) * -100;
function noTWave(t) {
const pWave = (0 <= t && t < Math.PI) ? Math.sin(t) ** 2 : 0;
const qrs = refinedRWave(t, mu, sigma, amplitude);
const sWave = (2.5 * Math.PI <= t && t < 3 * Math.PI) ? -0.5 * Math.sin(t - 2.5 * Math.PI) ** 3 : 0;
const tWave = 0;
return 300 - (pWave + qrs + sWave + tWave) * -100;
let waveforms = [ => generateFullWaveform(t)), => generateFullWaveform(t, qrsVariation1)), => generateFullWaveform(t, qrsVariation2)), => noPWave(t)), => noSWave(t)), => noTWave(t))
function GenerateWaveform() {
const abnormalWaveforms = [
qrsVariation1, qrsVariation2,
noPWave, noSWave, noTWave
const waveformNames = [
"QRS Variation 1", "QRS Variation 2",
"No P wave", "No S wave", "No T wave"
const isAbnormal = Math.random() < 0.6;
if (!isAbnormal) {
const waveformFunction = generateFullWaveform;
const waveformType = 0; // Normal
return [ => waveformFunction(t)), waveformType];
} else {
const index = Math.floor(Math.random() * abnormalWaveforms.length);
const waveformFunction = abnormalWaveforms[index];
const waveformType = 1; // Abnormal
const newWaveform = => waveformFunction(t));
return [newWaveform, waveformType];
// this is waveforms.js
// game_logic.js
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
const HEIGHT = 600;
const WIDTH = 800;
// colors
const BLUE = "#0477bf";
const GREEN = "#04bf68";
const YELLOW = "#f2c641";
const RED = "#f25835";
const BLACK = "#0d0d0d";
const canvas = document.getElementById("game-canvas");
canvas.width = WIDTH;
canvas.height = HEIGHT;
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
const font = "36px sans-serif";
let score = 0; // Initialize the player's score
let gameSpeed = 2; // Initialize the game speed (you can adjust this value)
let waveformType; // 0 for normal, 1 for abnormal
let currentWaveform = []; // Store the current waveform points
// Define variables to manage the scrolling waveform
let waveformX = -WIDTH; // Initial x-coordinate of the waveform
// let waveformX = -currentWaveform.length; // Set initial position off the left edge
function DrawWaveform(x, y, waveformColor) {
ctx.strokeStyle = waveformColor;
ctx.lineWidth = 5;
// ctx.moveTo(x, y); // Move the starting point to (x, y)
// Loop through the currentWaveform points and draw the waveform
for (let i = 0; i < currentWaveform.length; i++) {
ctx.lineTo(x + i, y - currentWaveform[i]); // Draw a line segment
// ctx.closePath();
// Function to draw the score
function drawScore() {
ctx.fillStyle = BLUE;
ctx.font = `bold ${font}`;
ctx.fillText(`Score: ${score}`, 40, 40);
// Function to clear the canvas
function clearCanvas() {
// ctx.clearRect(waveformX, 0, currentWaveform.length, HEIGHT);
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
// Define variables for different types of scores
// let score = 0;
let hits = 0;
let falseAlarms = 0;
let correctRejections = 0;
let misses = 0;
let currentWaveformClicked = false;
let waveformCounted = false;
// Function to handle user clicks
function handleClick(event) {
// Check if the current waveform has already been clicked
if (!currentWaveformClicked) {
if (event.clientX >= waveformX && event.clientX <= waveformX + currentWaveform.length) {
if (waveformType === 1) {
// HIT: Player clicked on an abnormal segment, increase score
} else {
// FALSE ALARM: Player clicked on a normal segment, increase false alarms
// Mark the current waveform as clicked
currentWaveformClicked = true;
// Update the overall score based on your scoring logic
score = hits * 10 - falseAlarms * 10 + correctRejections * 10 - misses * 10;
score = Math.max(score, -50); // Limit the score to not drop below -100
// Add a click event listener to the canvas
canvas.addEventListener("click", handleClick);
// In the game loop or a timer, check if the player hasn't interacted and update correct rejections and misses accordingly
function updateCorrectRejectionsAndMisses() {
// Check if the current waveform has completely scrolled off the canvas
// if (waveformX < -currentWaveform.length) {
if (waveformX <= -currentWaveform.length && !waveformCounted) {
// console.log(`Waveform Type: ${waveformType}`);
if (!waveformCounted) {
if (waveformType === 0 && !currentWaveformClicked) {
// CORRECT REJECTION: Player correctly didn't click on a normal segment
} else if (waveformType === 1 && !currentWaveformClicked) {
// MISS: Player missed clicking on an abnormal segment
// Mark the current waveform as counted
waveformCounted = true;
// Reset the flags for the next waveform
currentWaveformClicked = false;
// Update the overall score based on your scoring logic
score = hits * 10 - falseAlarms * 10 + correctRejections * 10 - misses * 10;
score = Math.max(score, -50); // Limit the score to not drop below -100
// Function to display all counters on the canvas
function drawCounters() {
// Hits and correct rejections in green
ctx.fillStyle = GREEN;
// ctx.font = `bold ${font}`; // Make the font bold
ctx.fillText(`Hits: ${hits}`, 40, 80);
ctx.fillText(`Correct Rejections: ${correctRejections}`, 40, 160);
// False alarms and misses in red
ctx.fillStyle = RED;
ctx.fillText(`False Alarms: ${falseAlarms}`, 40, 120);
ctx.fillText(`Misses: ${misses}`, 40, 200);
// Game loop that scrolls a waveform across the canvas using GenerateWaveform
function gameLoop() {
// Increase game speed based on the player's score
gameSpeed = 5 + Math.floor(score / 50);
// Move the waveform leftward (scrolling effect)
waveformX -= gameSpeed;
// Call the function to update correct rejections and misses at the beginning of the loop
// Draw the current waveform
const waveformY = HEIGHT + 100; // You can adjust the vertical position
DrawWaveform(waveformX, waveformY, BLACK);
// Check if the waveform has completely scrolled off the canvas
if (waveformX < -currentWaveform.length) {
// Generate a new waveform
let [newWaveform, newWaveformType] = GenerateWaveform();
waveformCounted = false;
currentWaveformClicked = false;
// Set the x-coordinate for the new waveform
waveformX = WIDTH; // Starts just off the right edge
currentWaveform = newWaveform;
waveformType = newWaveformType;
console.log(`Waveform Type: ${waveformType}`);
// Draw the score
// Draw all counters on the canvas
// Request the next animation frame
// Start the game loop