
Score: 0


The idea here is to create a dynamic ROC curve that evolves as the player interacts with the game, providing a visual representation of their performance. Instead of showing numbers like false positives, false negatives, true positives, and true negatives directly, we’ll plot points on a ROC curve that gives immediate visual feedback about how well the player is identifying abnormalities.

Imagine you're a biomedical engineer, and instead of just crunching numbers, you're navigating a real-time challenge where every click counts. As you play, you're not just seeing a score number tick up or down—you’re actively shaping a ROC curve, a powerful tool that’s often used in fields like ECG, EEG, and even medical imaging to evaluate the accuracy of diagnostic tools.

In this game, your ROC curve becomes a living entity on the screen. Every time you correctly identify an abnormal waveform, your curve nudges closer to that coveted top-left corner, the sweet spot that indicates high sensitivity and low false positives—exactly what you want in a diagnostic tool. But beware, clicking on a normal segment by mistake sends your curve drifting toward the middle, a reminder that even the best engineers have off days.

This is where the fun and challenge come in. Just like a YouTuber watching their subscriber count climb with each new video, you’ll see your ROC curve evolve with every click, reflecting your growing skills in real-time. And just like with subscribers, one wrong move could make you lose some ground, but steady hands and sharp eyes will see you through.

So, as you play, you'll be developing not just your score, but a visual story of your accuracy. Each point on the ROC curve represents a moment of decision—a victory or a setback. Over time, the curve will show whether you're on track to becoming a top-tier diagnostician or if you need to sharpen your skills further.

This makes the game more than just a test of reflexes; it’s a true simulation of what it’s like to refine a diagnostic tool in the real world. It’s about balance, precision, and learning from every click—turning data into insight, just like in the best biomedical engineering practices.

When you're ready, we can start building this dynamic ROC curve into your game, turning your gameplay into a live-action evaluation tool that’s as fun as it is educational!

How to Play

