GraphIt Knowledge Graph Visualizer


GraphIt is a knowledge graph visualizer that extracts entities and relationships from text input and generates an interactive graph to visualize the connections between them. Enter a block of text in the text area below and click "Generate Graph" to see the extracted entities and relationships displayed as nodes and links in the graph.

Use the slider to adjust the maximum number of nodes displayed in the graph. The graph layout is automatically updated based on the extracted entities and relationships, ensuring that the most relevant information is visualized.

Explore the interactive graph by dragging the nodes to reposition them and observe how the relationships between entities are represented in the graph structure. The graph provides a visual representation of the connections between different concepts and entities within the text, allowing for a more intuitive understanding of the underlying information.

GraphIt uses Compromise.js for natural language processing to extract entities and relationships from the input text. The extracted entities are represented as nodes in the graph, while the relationships between entities are visualized as links connecting the nodes.

The graph layout is generated using D3.js, a powerful JavaScript library for creating interactive data visualizations in the web browser. The force-directed layout algorithm in D3.js positions the nodes and links in the graph based on the defined relationships between entities, creating an intuitive and visually appealing representation of the knowledge graph.

Future improvements to GraphIt could include additional features such as entity recognition, sentiment analysis, and more advanced graph visualization options. By incorporating more sophisticated natural language processing techniques and interactive graph visualization tools, GraphIt could provide a more comprehensive and insightful analysis of text data, enabling users to explore complex relationships and patterns within the text more effectively.

Powered by D3.js and Compromise.js.

Created by BioNiChaoS.