This is a web-based application that allows you to record and visualize EMG (electromyography) data. EMG is a
technique used to measure the electrical activity of muscles. This application provides a user-friendly interface
for recording EMG data and visualizing it in real-time.
The application consists of several controls and features:
- Start/Stop Recording: Click the "Start Recording" button to begin recording EMG data. Click
it again to stop recording.
- Clear Data: Click the "Clear Data" button to clear the recorded EMG data.
- Flex Button: Click and hold the "Flex" button to start flexing your muscle. The button will
turn yellow while flexing. Release the button to stop flexing.
- Noise Level Slider: Adjust the noise level using the slider to simulate different levels of
noise in the EMG signal.
- Flex Level Slider: Adjust the flex level using the slider to simulate different levels of
muscle contraction.
- Time Window Slider: Adjust the time window using the slider to change the number of data
points displayed on the graph.
- Show Grid Checkbox: Check the "Show Grid" checkbox to display a grid on the graph.
- Auto Scale Checkbox: Check the "Auto Scale" checkbox to automatically adjust the scale of the
graph based on the data.
Feel free to experiment with the controls and observe how the EMG signal changes in response to different
settings. You can also view metrics such as peak amplitude, RMS value, and mean value of the EMG signal in
The application provides several metrics related to the EMG signal:
- Peak Amplitude: The maximum value of the EMG signal.
- RMS Value: The root mean square value of the EMG signal.
- Mean Value: The average value of the EMG signal.
These metrics provide insights into the characteristics of the EMG signal and can be used for various
applications such as muscle activity analysis, rehabilitation, and more.
Feel free to explore the application and experiment with different settings to observe how the metrics change in
response to different EMG signals.