Recording Controls

Signal Controls


Display Options

Peak Amplitude
RMS Value
Mean Value


This is a web-based application that allows you to record and visualize EMG (electromyography) data. EMG is a technique used to measure the electrical activity of muscles. This application provides a user-friendly interface for recording EMG data and visualizing it in real-time.

The application consists of several controls and features:

Feel free to experiment with the controls and observe how the EMG signal changes in response to different settings. You can also view metrics such as peak amplitude, RMS value, and mean value of the EMG signal in real-time.


The application provides several metrics related to the EMG signal:

These metrics provide insights into the characteristics of the EMG signal and can be used for various applications such as muscle activity analysis, rehabilitation, and more.

Feel free to explore the application and experiment with different settings to observe how the metrics change in response to different EMG signals.